Just so you know, the alternate title of this post is “When Life Throws You A Curveball And You Just HAVE To Swing.”
So remember last week when I waxed poetically about my quiet week in England? Well, the calmness continued as I checked out a couple more castles in the southern UK – Sissinghurst and Hastings, namely – and then I received a surprise text. A job. An offer. A chance to go back to work for two months doing something exciting and new……..
…….in Fiji!
Well, you can guess what my answer was. Within 24 hours I was on a plane headed across the Atlantic, back to Los Angeles, where I had my first ranch dressing since December (God I miss it) and then hopped on another plane across the Pacific.
And now I sit here in my hotel room, in Fiji, preparing for what will be a full-on two months of hard work. And I couldn’t be more excited. Ironically, I’d been considering going back to work for a while now, just to break up the year, give my bank account a good boost and pull me out of my own head, which you can get stuck in when traveling alone for six months. And I couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity to do so – its an adventurous and creative job that fits me well.
So I hope you don’t mind if I fill this blog with photos of gorgeous beaches, jungle adventures and (hopefully, if I have time!) some amazing diving photos and videos for the next two months. Because it’s happening.
The universe is really great sometimes.

Sissinghurst Castle in Kent.

The writing studio where Harold Nicolson worked at Sissinghurst Castle. Great spot!

The ruins of Hastings Castle on a hill above the town. It was originally built by William the Conquerer after invading England in 1066.

It’s barely stopped raining since I’ve been here in Fiji. Fingers crossed this tropical depression doesn’t last long!

One the skies clear, I can’t wait to see just how gorgeously clear the water is here!
1 Comment
“When Life Throws You A Curveball And You Just HAVE To Swing.” True, i like your line
& yes of course fiji excellent place for tours ,honeymoon and vacation . an every day of fiji is life long rememberable